Lets not beat around the bush; Breast really IS best for babies, Mums and the future health of the next generation. Well done to all those amazing Mums out there who are doing the best for their baby by tackling the challenges that face us every day. These challenges can be physiological (leaky boobs, yo-yoing milk supply and nasty infections), environmental (it’s bloody freezing, how do I get my boobs out here) and societal (with helpful comments like ‘are you STILL feeding? ‘ and ‘I can’t believe you are feeding in public’).


Breastmilk has lots of positives. Specifically;


BUT…… what about those Mums and families where breastfeeding isn’t possible or an option? There is a strong argument that struggling Mums should get more support during this difficult time, which I totally agree with. Instilling pro-breastfeeding, evidence based advice across all healthcare and social settings is key to promoting and improving breastfeeding rates. Busting myths around perceived low milk supplies, promoting skin to skin and improving the social acceptability of frequent, regular feeding and snacking. But… still….. what IF it doesn’t work out? What if Mum chooses to not feed, or Mum is not available to. What can we learn from breastfeeding that will support those parents to feel they are doing the best for their child, and perhaps normalise the intricacies of breastfeeding an infant.


How to support your infant no matter how you choose to feed


Dai Iawn to all those awesome Mums, Dads and parents out there who are looking after little ones. Your doing a great job!

Written by Ashling Pigott, Dietitian.

Aisling Pigott (Ash) is a Registered Dietitian. Dietitians are the only health professionals trained and regulated to give up to date nutrition advice. Ash has experience in a variety of healthcare, private and academic settings. As an evidenced based practitioner, she is passionate about de-bunking nutrition myths and diet culture whilst promoting health and well-being.

Read more about Ash